The SalesGenomix Process

Fast track decision support for sales leaders confronting demanding hire, reassign and promote decisions.

SalesGenomix is an online, cloud-based solution that’s totally simple and intuitive. You don’t need a systems administrator to launch it or a resident psychometrician to interpret it. Here’s how it works:

  1. You decide which of 14 sales roles you want your salespeople to play (we’ll help if you like).
  2. You determine the individual to be assessed. This may be a candidate who has responded to a job posting – or an incumbent member of your sales team you are assessing to determine promote-ability or development needs.
  3. You identify who you’d like to receive the assessment results, typically the hiring manager.
  4. Using our simple self-serve request form, you launch an email assessment invitation to your candidate including a link to the assessment site.
  5. Clicking on the link takes the candidate to the acclaimed SalesGenomix assessment test where they are screened against the specific demands of your sales job.
  6. Assessment results and findings are immediately emailed to the individual you have designated to receive them.
  7. Click on the report for no-punches-pulled recommendations as well as detailed findings on strengths and weaknesses you may want to focus on in the interview. You’ll also discover the potential for the candidate to evolve to other sales roles including sales leadership. (Here's a sample report.)
  8. Upon arrangement, we can even collect your assessed candidates in your very own SalesGenomix dashboard.
  9. Take appropriate action depending upon whether you are addressing a hire, reassign or promote decision.
Sample sales assessment test results.